The Brazilian subcontinent has seen a tremendous evolution, from dictatorship to an eventual shift to democracy, the country has truly seen it all. The 2018 elections occurred amidst a hostile environment, coupled with impeachment of the previous President, recession, rising levels of corruption, debt and unemployment.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal declared Jair Bolsonaro, former army captain as the winner, when 94% of the votes were counted. At 100% counting levels, Bolsonaro had 55.1% of the votes, while his opponent Fernando Haddad had received 44.9% votes. It is a widespread belief that Haddad lost on accord of Workers Party’s stance on graft (unethical use of politicians position for personal gain). Bolsonaro’s use of social media, especially ‘WhatsApp’, which has 120m Brazilian users aided his spread of propaganda which acted as a helping hand in him winning the elections. In his victory speech, Bolsonaro vowed to defend freedom and to safeguard citizens who follow their duties and respect the law. Moreover, he promised to provide solutions to crime, corruption and many such evils.

The far rightist politician Bolsonaro, who is said to take office on January 1st is a renowned supporter for dictatorship and is dreaded to sabotage democracy and civil rights. Moreover, he has made his distaste for homosexuals, feminism, rule of law and the environment known. The threat he poses on human rights and ecology is known by his idea to open the Amazon rain-forest tracks to aid development in terms of agribusiness and the mining sector, this spells disaster for the global climate. He has menaced to shut down FUNAI, a government department responsible to protect indigenous land. His wish to pull out of the Paris Climate Deal and to abolish government agencies tackling deforestation. All these decisions have huge outcomes on the global climate.  

The country decided to pick military and economic discipline, however committed some heinous acts of violence during the electoral process. The stabbing of Bolsonaro, during the Juiz de Fora rally, shook several voters, politicians and journalists. However, this act allowed him to gain sympathy from many voters.

Voting is mandatory in Brazil, thus many voted for Bolsonaro solely because they didn’t want the Workers Party to be back in power, who led the foundations of corruption and economic problems within the country.

Homicide, is on a rise in Brazil, in an attempt to provide a solution for the same, Bolsonaro advocated liberalized gun laws, enabling citizens to protect themselves. However, the flip side to the same, could be a surge in crime rates within the country. Furthermore, throughout the entire electoral process, women were largely marginalized who form 51% of the Lower Chamber in the National Congress. Lastly, Bolsonaro vowed to update the welfare programmes for the upliftment of the population.

Bolsonaro, who is a staunch supporter of deregulation and free market economy, is said to make Paulo Guedes in charge of the Brazilian economy. Furthermore, Sergio Moro, who was the judge in charge of ‘Operation Car Wash’ (a prosecution into corrupt political officials), is set to become the new Justice Minister.

Bolsonaro is often compared to Trump, as being misogynistic, racist and homophobic. On the same note, the Trump administration believes that, Bolsonaro is a like minded individual that America could work with.  
By Roshni Divecha

TYBA , Mithibai College